Average Price for Azure Regions

Currently the cheapest region in Azure is Central India / centralindia with average per hour price is $1.16 comparing to 2.2x more expensive Brazil Southeast / brazilsoutheast . Below you can find the chart with the average price in USD per hour among the most common VMs in the region. Some VM types were excluded such as G-series, L-series and NV/NC due to their absence in some regions. Choose region and VM size wisely. The chart below shows the average price across regions but in some places, VMs can be cheaper than in West US 2. You can find the cheapest region on the main page in the column - Best price region.

The latest update occurred on November 20, 2024 at 1:00 AM UTC

Here is the map with all Azure regions https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/regions/

Region Name
Region ID
Average price per VM per hour (USD)
Asia PacificCentral Indiacentralindia1.16
USNorth Central USnorthcentralus1.17
USWest US 3westus31.21
USWest US 2westus21.22
EuropeSweden Centralswedencentral1.25
USEast USeastus1.26
EuropeSpain Centralspaincentral1.3
USEast US 2eastus21.32
EuropeFrance Centralfrancecentral1.35
CanadaCanada Centralcanadacentral1.36
USWest Central USwestcentralus1.38
Middle EastIsrael Centralisraelcentral1.4
CanadaCanada Eastcanadaeast1.43
EuropeGermany West Centralgermanywestcentral1.44
USCentral UScentralus1.46
Asia PacificKorea Southkoreasouth1.46
EuropeNorth Europenortheurope1.46
USSouth Central USsouthcentralus1.48
EuropeItaly Northitalynorth1.5
EuropeUK Southuksouth1.5
USUS Gov Virginiausgovvirginia1.5
USWest USwestus1.51
Asia PacificKorea Centralkoreacentral1.53
MexicoMexico Centralmexicocentral1.54
Middle EastQatar Centralqatarcentral1.54
EuropeUK Westukwest1.54
USUS Gov AZusgovarizona1.54
Asia PacificAustralia Eastaustraliaeast1.56
USUS Gov TXusgovtexas1.57
Asia PacificWest Indiawestindia1.57
Asia PacificAustralia Centralaustraliacentral1.58
Asia PacificAustralia Central2australiacentral21.59
Middle EastUAE Northuaenorth1.59
Asia PacificSoutheast Asiasoutheastasia1.6
EuropeWest Europewesteurope1.6
Asia PacificAustralia Southeastaustraliasoutheast1.62
Asia PacificEast Asiaeastasia1.64
EuropePoland Centralpolandcentral1.64
EuropeNorway Eastnorwayeast1.66
Asia PacificJapan Eastjapaneast1.67
Asia PacificJapan Westjapanwest1.68
AfricaSouth Africa Northsouthafricanorth1.7
EuropeSwitzerland Northswitzerlandnorth1.7
Asia PacificSouth Indiasouthindia1.75
EuropeGermany Northgermanynorth1.86
EuropeFrance Southfrancesouth1.87
Middle EastUAE Centraluaecentral1.96
South AmericaBrazil Southbrazilsouth1.98
EuropeNorway Westnorwaywest2.12
AfricaSouth Africa Westsouthafricawest2.12
EuropeSwitzerland Westswitzerlandwest2.2
South AmericaBrazil Southeastbrazilsoutheast2.59